"I'm happy to answer your questions and if you haven't found a suitable position, don't hesitate to contact me, maybe we can work something out."
Work from the office, the cafe, the cottage or from the sea. Some people prefer to stay up late, others work in the evenings. It's up to agreement. If you keep your word, quality and deadlines, you'll find an unlimited amount of freedom in Databy.
Half of the company's management started in junior positions. Those who didn't want to join the top management team have worked with the people in the team or worked their way up to top specialist. We have also brought up a good number of successful freelancers.
You can feel the drive from the people and we have a lot to talk about, at work and after work. We work hard and we're taken care of. You hear laughter in the hallways, in the meeting rooms and during calls. We make sure everyone has a good time.
Clients rely on our knowledge and advice. We speak at major events, share know-how and bridge disciplines, and have a generous training budget. If you're unclear about something, just ask at the next table or on Slack.